Friday, December 14, 2007


okay so im not sure why i titled it that. but anyways this week hasnt been the best at all. our electricity went out but we got that back on yesterday so its all good there. our town looks like crap and im sick of looking at it. i just wish i could go to college of the ozarks ( c of o) and be done with high school and live happily in branson. i dont know what elese to put. i guess i could let you know what bugs me. i cant stand people who are fake and liars. it makes me so mad. i grew up being lied to. so many people made promises that didnt know how to keep cause drugs were always involved. i also hate drugs. a little drinking i can stand but if youre an alcoholic drunk then dont even bother trying to talk to me cause i will shrug you off same with drugs. weed i cant say much on since practically everyone i know does it. so that rules that option out. but with fake people, i hate it when they go out to buy the most expensive clothes to fit in and have people be their friend when in reality it shouldnt work out like that. clothes and money shouldnt make friends but it does and i hate it. who cares what you are wearing. i will be your friend for who you are not what youre wearing. and i will try to help you if you go down a wrong path but once you become incureable i cant be around you. i dont want to de drug into soemthing like that. life is too short to screw it up all the time. i understand living for the moment and living big and playing hard, heck i need to be more like that, but dont destroy yourself. i do need to have more fun in life and become outgoing, and you guys are helping me with that. you really are. you just dont know it. wow i just ran out of things to talk about. well thats good, i gotta go and get ready for work and see my mom at hers before i go. its my first day so wish me luck.
love always,


Jason Hunt said...

Hey, Tomiah! Dem's some strong words! I am proud of anyone who takes such a stance against drugs. Good for you for standing firm and demanding integrity in your friends!

Tina said...

Ditto what Jason said. = )
Good luck with the job! Hope you like it! Let us all know how it goes.


Kim said...

I wouldn't want to be friends with someone who was all into drugs or being an alcoholic eitehr. And I haven't really ever run into that problem with people but I just don't see why people feel the need to take drugs or drink. No matter how bad things get. That's what friends are supposed to be be help you through things in life. And you can have tons of fun without taking drugs or getting drunk. And I'd rather have that kind of fun myself. I think it would be much more enjoyable. I also agree that people should like you for who you are and not the kind of clothes you wear or other things like what kind of car you drive or whatever. It truly is what's on the inside that counts. I am also proud of you for taking a stance on this.
Love you,

Unknown said...


I'm so glad that you're taking pride in beng you! High School, and life, have this great following of people trying to be something to make them fit in, to be special. But, what makes a person special, is who they are, and how they embrace it. In fact, if we all want to "fit in" wouldn't that mean that we are going to be just like everyone else, and thus, no longer "special"? Being you, is what makes you special.

With love,