Tuesday, December 4, 2007

i went to the doctor

okay everybody!!!!!!!!!

so i went to the doctor and since the stupid people yesterday didnt measure the knot in mt arm where the medication was inserted to test my tb i have to wait a month and do it again. but i got my x-ray and i just should hear the results from that within the next 3 days and i cant go back to school until i do...and i have to take medication for the next 9 months and every 3 months get blood work done to make sure my liver is okay cause this medicine can damage my liver. it sucks big time. but i wont find out if its active or im just a carrier until we get the x-ray. and altogether its gonna cost around 300 dollars...so i just thought i would update you on whats going on...oh and no school until the x-ray comes back and they say its okay for me to go.


Megan Renee said...

Girl I'm praying for you!
Hang in there!

Tina said...

You're in my thoughts and prayers! Keep trusting in Him and His plan will come through. Just keep hanging in there.
Tina <3

Unknown said...

In my prayers!

annette07 said...


We will be praying for you. Keep up the FAITH girl.

orbitgirlxoxo said...

Hope everything comes out okay for you Tomiah! I'll be praying for you!
